Bless you, readers. Bleaders.

Sunday, November 09, 2003

A lesson learned
You might notice I have deleted my most recent post. This is because it wasn't finished and I didn't mean to publish it. It was one of those things where I started the post, got bored, and posted without publishing - and then forgot and changed something in my template and published without checking to see what the blog would then look like. Heh. How embarrassing.

I would leave the partial post up with notation, just for posterity's sake, but it was a post about how I was drinking, and the reason I never finished it is I got completely wasted and ended up with my head in the toilet at three a.m. on a school night. Which is nothing to be proud of. And I don't really want to have the reminder hanging around on my blog.

Well, now that I've shared far more information than you wanted....let's just never speak of this again.


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